
Ongoing Research Projects   Ongoing Ph.D. Projects   Finished Research Projects

Climate and Climate change at regional scale is of great importance to ecosystems and the environment. Regional climate can be studied by analysis of data from weather-station networks, tree ring data and regional scales modeling. Sweden is one of the countries in the would where relatively long time series of reliable instrumental observations are available, which provides an excellent opportunity for such climate studies. In the last few years, impacts of climate change and variability on land use, agriculture and forest productivity, air quality and water resources have been become new research fields for the group due to the activities brought about by the new members. Much of these efforts have been carried out in and for China, which also resulted in researches on climate variability and changes in China.

Main research fields

The key areas of research are: 1) examination of spatial patterns of recent climate changes and variability in Sweden and China by using instrumental and proxy data such as tree ring data and its association with other factors in the global climate system; 2) study of local climate with a focus on urban scale and its impacts on environment in for example the Gothenburg and Shanghai regions; 3) Impact studies related to climate change. The principle objectives are:


Our research can be divided into regional climate researches and impact studies driven by climate change. The first is aimed at helping to resolve critical issues related to regional climate, climate change and variability, involving both data from standard meteorological stations and outputs of GCMs and other regional scale models. The second group is of  applied nature and often carried out in and for developing countries such as India.

An understanding of the spatially averaged GCM products and the finer scale regional variability derived from surface data and other models would be useful for several reasons. Firstly it would help focus on the dominant spatial scales involved in the interannual variability of the regional climates. Studies such as this can help validate the performance of GCMs for the Swedish region and also provide regional climate scenarios based on large-scale climate projections, e.g. the regional climate changes likely to result from an enhanced greenhouse effect. This is of great importance for prediction of regional energy consumption, forest production, and agriculture. The second part has applications in society planning, mitigation of climate change and sustainable development of society.

Ongoing research projects  

Ongoing Ph.D. projects  

Finished research projects (1999- )