Prof. Deliang Chen Head of RCG, is now working at Tsinghua University Professor |
+46 31 7864813 deliang[at] |
Prof. Hans Linderholm Deputy Head of RCG Professor |
+46 31 7862887 hansl[at] |
Dr. Céline Heuzé Senior Lecturer |
celine.heuze[at] |
Dr. Alexander Walther Senior Lecturer |
+46 31 7862867 alex[at] |
Dr. Tinghai Ou Principal research engineer (Climate Modeling) |
+46 31 7862695 tinghai.ou[at] |
Dr. Kristina Seftigen Assistant Professor (biträdande lektor) |
+46 31 7861959 kristina.seftigen[at] |
Dr. Jesper Björklund Researcher |
jesper.bjorklund[at] |
Dr. Janina Konarska Researcher |
janina.konarska[at] |
Dr. Julia Curio Researcher |
julia.curio[at] |
Dr. Bo Su Visiting researcher |[at] |
Dr. Lorenzo Minola Postdoc |
lorenzo.minola[at] |
Hui-Wen Lai Postdoc |
hui-wen.lai[at] |
Xiaoye Yang Postdoc |
xiaoye.yang[at] |
Cheng Shen Postdoc |
cheng.shen[at] |
Zhi-Bo Li Postdoc |[at] |
Petter Stridbeck PhD student |
petter.stridbeck[at] |
Elena Tamarit Castro PhD student |
elena.tamarit[at] |
Hau Man Wong PhD student |[at] |
Haolin Luo Visiting PhD student |
haolin.luo[at] |
liuyu[at] |
jjeehoon[at] |
kujanfang[at] |
Dr. Cesar Azorin-Molina Ramon y Cajal fellow Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación Spanish National Research Council |
cesar.azorin[at] |
dengkq5[at] |
Dr. Julia Kukulies Postdoc in NCAR |
kukulies[at] |
Dr. Ziqian Zhong Postdoc in Chalmers University of Technology |
ziqian.zhong[at] |
Dr. Lu Zhou Assistant Professor in Utrecht University |
l.zhou[at] |
Zhicong Xie PhD student in Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg |
zhicong.xie[at] |
- Ms Jiayue Zhou, Ph.D. student at the Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, China, is researching with RCG from November 2022 until September 2023.
- Prof. Congbin Fu, president of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, will become a honorary doctor at Göteborg University on 20 Oct 2007. He is visiting the Earth Sciences Centre Oct 15-22. He is giving a seminar titled "Global change and Asian monsoon" Oct 17 at 15.15.
- Ms Lijun Chen, Beijing Climate Center, is visiting RCG Aug-Oct 2007. She is specialized in climate prediction and acts as Deputy Director of the Climate Prediction Unit.
- Dr. Jee-Hoon Jeong visited RCG from June until July 2007 to collaborate with RCG on climate modeling research using NCAR's earth system model (he is now a member of the group).
- Mr. Tae-Won Park, Ph.D. student at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea, is researching with RCG from June until July 2007. In Göteborg he works on the land-atmosphere interaction under global warming simulated in global circulation model.
- Professor Yu Liu and student Huiming Song, The State Key Laboratory for Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian, China, are visiting RCG from Feb to Mar 2007.
- Yeon-Hee Noh, Ph.D. student in School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea, is researching with RCG from Dec. 2006 until Feb. 2007. She is a member of the research group Climate Physics Laboratory. In Göteborg she works on the week timescale variance of anthropogenic aerosols in China.
- Mr. Rui Mao, student at Beijing Normal University, is visiting RCG nov2006-feb2007.
- Dr. Maeng-Ki KIM from Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Kongju National University 182 Shinkwan-dong, Gongju 314-701, South Korea, visited RCG during 10-31 Aug 2006.
- Dr. Daoyi Gong (visit website) from Beijing Normal University visited RCG during 10-31 August 2006.
- Prof. Toshihiro Kitada, Department of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, visited RCG during 12-19 June 2006.
- Dr. Fei Chen, NCAR, visited RCG during 12-19 June and gave a seminar entitled "Studying Land-atmospheric interactions under NCAR Water Cycle Program" during 11:00 and 12:00 in Nimbus on 2006-06-19.
- Dr. Manuel Nunez from School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania , Australia visited RCG during 12-19 June 2006 and gave a seminar entitled "Tasmania's water environment in the middle of the 21st century; results using the CSIRO cubic conformal atmospheric model" during 13:00 and 14:00 on 13 June in Tellus.
- Yong-Sang Choi, Ph.D. student in School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea, is researching with RCG from Apr. 2006 until Mar. 2007. He is a member of the research group Climate Physics Laboratory. In Göteborg he works on the aerosol, cloud, radiation, and their relationships.
- Prof. Chang-Hoi Ho, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea is researching with RCG from DEC 2005 until APR 2007 (funded by Wenner-Gren Stiftelsen). He is leading the research group Climate Physics Laboratory. In Göteborg he will mainly work with Global climate modelling and the application of climate models in Asia.
- YunBok Lee, Ph.D. student in Atmospheric Science, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea, is researching with RCG from DEC 2005 until DEC 2006. He is member of the research group Climate Physics Laboratory. In Göteborg he will mainly work on the links between Cold surge in Asia and Arctic Oscillation.
- Shuiqing Yin, STINT project exchange Ph.D. student from Beijing Normal University, is visiting RCG for one year from NOV 2005 until NOV 2006. She mainly works on the Relationship between rainfall and soil erosion in China.
- Yanling Song (Climate Impact and Assessment Devision at the National Climate Center of China) worked with RCG from NOV 2005 until JAN 2006. During this time she mainly worked on Change of the growing seasons due to global warming in China and the Simulation of the winter wheat growth and yield using crop growth model, Wofost, in Shanxi, China
- Cesar Azorin-Molina (Laboratory of Climatology, University of Alicante, SPAIN) visited RCG between August and December 2005. He is studying the sea-breeze on the Spanish Eastcoast. With the visit the co-operation on sea-breeze research in both regions (Gothenburg region and Southeast Spain) has been continued.
- Prof. Chang-Hoi Ho and Dr. Jee-Hoon Jeong (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea) visited RCG in August 2005 to startup a cooperation on climate modelling.
- Lars Zetterberg and Markus Åhman (IVL) started their Ph.D. projects within RCG in June 2005. They are financed by MISTRA (CLIPORE, MISTRAS climate policy research programme ) and the Research School of Climate and Mobility at GU.
- Ge Gao from National climate center visited RCG in summer 2005.
- Fredrik Wetterhall from Uppsala university (now working at SMHI) visited RCG in January 2005.
- Rasmus Benestad from DNMI stayed with us for one week in January 2005 to teach 'Environmental Statistics'.